Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas was amazing this year.. thanks to 3 beautiful little girls! It was very different having kids but it was so fun watching them experience things they never had before. 

Here are some Christmas pictures of the girls in their christmas dresses. 

My new niece- Hannah was blessed the weekend before Christmas. She is very cute and the girls like spending time with cousins.

 Christmas Eve at Papa's house. By far my favorite christmas tradition. We get together and go caroling to a few families around town. I LOVE my family so much and cant even imagine the day that we wont do this anymore. Hopefully it will never come.  After Caroling we come back to Papa's house, eat, visit, and open our present from Papa.

 Christmas Eve at my mom's house. They got new pajamas, we waited for Santa to come and then hid in the dining room- (Anavy was looking under the door to get a look) Then they opened all of their gifts and went to bed.

Christmas Day at Smith's house. 

New years Eve, we went to the Jewkes family Christmas party. It was fun to see everyone. On New Years Day, we went to the Smith annual soup night and then on our way back from Orem, We stopped to see the lights at Temple Square. It was pretty cold so we didn't stay long but the girls were excited to see the temple  and the lights.

I had off and on feeling of guilt this christmas season. I have always known that there are people who literally have nothing and Christmas is nothing but an ordinary day. I have really been made aware of this more since being in the Young Women program at church. Our townhouse complex is about 7 years old but other than that, nothing has been built on our ward boundries for 50+ years. Our ward boundaries runs in a 10 block strip and the end of it is really rough neighborhoods.  Some of my YW have very very little. Some come from rough homes and unloving families. It really makes me sad. My 3 girls were spoiled rotten this Christmas by so many people. It made me feel a bit guilty that we are so fortunate and blessed because people a couple of streets over are struggling to have Christmas Dinner. It is important to remember this at Christmas time and do what we can to help out :) I tried my best to do that. 

I hope all of you had a great Christmas Holiday. 
