Brett has been busy busy with school and work but on top of that, he is interviewing for a new job. Yeah! I cant believe that his school is finally coming to an end and he is looking for the right place to start his career. It has been a long road but it has all been worth it. He has interviewed with several accounting firms. They are located in Salt Lake and he had an interview an accounting and consulting firm in Ogden today that went really well. He had a second interview with a firm in Salt Lake the other day and now we are just waiting to see if they will make him an offer. Surprisingly they have been really understanding of him still being in school till April. He is still able to work 30-35 hours a week- same as he does now and they are understanding about that. If he gets a job in Salt Lake then we an stay in Lehi but if he takes a job in Ogden, then we will be moving up there- my sister lives there so it would not be a bad choice :) I'm super proud of my husband!
My sisters and I decided to spend New Years Eve together in Ogden this year. We got this great deal at FatCats where we got to bowl for 3 hours, mini golf and ride bumper cars. It included pizza, drinks and ice cream for $50 for all of us. It was really fun. After that, we went back to Alyssa's house and played games and waited for the new year to come in. New Years Day Macy and Andrew were going to leave but decided to spend one more day with us so we went to the movies and to lunch together. Then we played some more games. It was a fun weekend with them. They are 2 of my best friends and I am so grateful to have them. I just wished we lived closer to each other.