I have had a great week and I have definetly been able to count my many blessings. I have so much gratitude for the things that I have. I am definetly blessed with an amazing husband, three beautiful kids that light up my life and make me so happy, my husbands job, our home, and the list goes on and on.
A friend of mine had this quote on her blog and it is so appropriate.
He is a wise man who does not grieve
for the things which he has not,
but rejoices for that which he has.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. Whats not to love about this holiday- I especially love shopping on Black Friday. This is how this crazy tradition goes in my family.... All of my aunts and cousins sit down at a very large table and we all come up with our individual lists of what we need from what store. Then we decide who is going to what store. This year since Walmart has their specials starting at 10- most of us went there first except the few that went to wait in lines in the freezing cold. We then divided into sections of the store. This year I was in the DVD department and I will say this- i will never do the dvd section again. I got hit, scratched on my face, my glasses got knocked off, I got pushed into a shelf. It was madness. I was out to get everyone's dvd's and I came away with less than half of what I was supposed to get. Oh well. Everyone else got what we needed elsewhere in the store and we all met up and got in line and divided up who's stuff was who's. After Walmart, we divided and went to other stores that were opening at 12, 4, &5. I went from Walmart to Best Buy then to Target. I got almost everything I wanted- thanks to my family who divides and conquers on black Friday.
My family is amazing and I am so grateful for them!