Saturday, October 12, 2013

One Month Old!!!

 Judson is 1 month old! It is crazy how fast has gone by. It probably seems so fast because so much of his first month was spent in the hospital and not at home.

Judson has gained almost 2 pounds since he was born and has grown more than an inch. He no longer fits in his preemie nighties because he is too long for them. He is filling out a lot but is still a skinny little boy. Clothes are hard for him right now. He fits in the preemie onsies and shirts but the newborn pants are mostly too big for him. He is growing so quickly that I'm sure it wont be a problem for long. He wakes up every 2-3 hours and eats more than he ever has. I honestly can't believe he eats as much as he does and then in no time, he is hungry again.

My love for Judson is incredible. With the girls, I fell in love with them fast and that love is just as strong but there is something about holding a baby that you created. To have an infant rely on you for everything. And especially because Judson is my miracle baby. I wasn't supposed to have my own kids. I had accepted it. And then the days before giving birth were scary. I am just so lucky that he is here and that he is mine. :) He is my little angel.


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