A few nights before Brett was set to leave for St Louis, we started talking. He was talking about taking the GMAT and going back to school this year for his Masters of Accounting (MAC). He decided it is what he wants to do and get it over with rather than work for a while and then go back like we had planned. So we started off by looking at schools in St Louis. There are 3- And he has a decent shot at getting into them but they are very expensive especially because we are not MO Residents. So then out of curiosity, Brett started to look at schools here and cost and such and of course there is a huge difference.
I personally had been having a weird felling about leaving Utah for a couple days now. I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly. Maybe it was because Brett is leaving me for so long and I would not do well without him, or maybe it is my sister getting married in June and me not being here to help with stuff for that. But I figured it was one of those and was keeping my mouth shut. Brett told that night that something was not right with him too. He was having those same feelings of unsureity and that something was just not right about the whole plan. So that scared us a bit. We prayed about it together.
Brett called his brother and talked to him. My sister came over to say hi and I talked to her about it too. Both of them said that if school was a priority and we wanted to stay in 'School mode' then we needed to stay here. It makes the most sense. It is such a plan shift now.. and we are pretty much in limbo at the moment since we sold the contract to our house that I loved so much. And my relief that Brett is done with school is no longer a reality. 1 more year to go!
Programs start in August at Weber State, University of Utah or BYU. As for where we are going to live now... we don't know. If he gets into the U then we will want to live in Draper or Sandy (in between Salt lake and American Fork- where I work) and if he happens to get into BYU- which he would have to get an amazing GMAT score, then we would be able to live in Orem. And if he only gets into Weber, then we would have to move to Ogden and I would find another job there. We could guess and my best guess would be to move to Draper but if we are wrong, we have to move again. We are so lucky that my Papa has offered to let us stay with him until we figure this all out. He is so sweet and we are so grateful. Deadlines for school are march 1. And people Brett knows in the program at the U said that they heard that they got in by the 3rd week of March. So we will know then and make our move.
So for now- Brett is studying for the GMAT. He took a practice test a few days ago before he studied at all and got a 640- which is in the 75th percentile and way above average. He is very smart and I know he will do great. Hopefully great enough to get into BYU. He started looking for a job around here and the next day got a call from his old boss at Cultural Hall Home decor where he has worked int he warehouse for the last 9 months. He told her that we were staying around here and she had him come in and he left there with a job... not his old job but an accounting job that is going to pay him $6 dollars an hour more than he was making when he left. wow. It was the perfect situation and such a blessing.
Thank you all for your prayers and your support during this hard time for us. Its been a bit of a roller coaster ride but we know we are doing the right thing for us right now.
WE love you all!!
Cali and Brett