Sunday, January 17, 2010

As King and Queen

I never got to share a very important accomplishment that I made a couple of years ago. This project was so many things... challenging, frustrating, liberating, Time consuming, beneficial, educational, beautiful, and the best project I have ever done and probably will ever do.
It took a little over a year to complete this book about my Nana and Papa. I took both of their personal histories and experiences, and wrote a story about 2 people that even a stranger would enjoy. Hundreds of hours, hundreds of pages and hundreds of pictures were put into this book. Their story is a great one and it was meant to be shared. I was able to finish the book and get it published around the beginning of the year of 2008. Just in time for their 50th wedding anniversary. Even after that, Both of them continued to write their personal histories and Papa still continues it even now. And someday I will complete the book about their lives beginning to end.
I am proud of what I did for my family- to allow them to learn more about their grandparents and see them in a different light. It will be something that I will cherish for the rest of my life and also allow my children and grandchildren to know two of the most important people in my life.

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