Friday, December 26, 2008

Jingleheimer Schmidt

Today I woke up and wanted to make a snowman. So Brett and I and my sister Macy got all dressed up in our snow gear and went out. It was really cold out today so the snow was very dry and powdery so the snowballs would not roll well so we had to make a big snow mound, pack it and then shape it- we even used water to make it freeze. Once it was big enough we rolled it and it was able to pick up some more snow. It took us about 3 hours to make our snowman that we named Jingleheimer. The middle and the head are a little too small but he is about 6 ft tall and it was really the best we could do with the crappy snow.


The Umbergers said...

Look at all that snow! I am so jealous! All I got was rain for Christmas! And that is one big snowman! I love it!

Elise and Trevor said...

cute snowman! we don't have any snow; however, we have gotten lots of rain!