Monday, June 28, 2010

Wedding Week

last week was a bit crazy to say the least. Macy went through the temple for the first time on Wednesday night. We all went to that with her. Thursday was the big day. He wedding started at 9:40 am so we had to be there at 9:15. The ceremony was beautiful. My papa was going to be the sealer but, he had to have Quintuple bypass heart surgery a couple days before the wedding so the temple provided a different sealer. He did a fantastic job. We spend an hour taking family pictures outside the temple and then headed to Sandy for the luncheon. It was at the Chuck-o-rama there. It was fun to be able to spend time with family. We were able to go home for a short time to gather our stuff and then we headed to the Provo Library to help set up for the reception. It was really cool because that is where I had my reception and we have not been back since. The reception was really fun, we danced a lot.
The groomsmen were in charge of decorating the car... bad idea. They are all mechanics so the hood got taken off and hidden... Macy wasn't too happy but they got it back on and they were on their way... not before stopping to clean out all the crap all over the car.

The next day (Friday) we headed up to Montana for the open house. We drove all day which is never fun. Saturday was the Open house which was fun... the boys played pool all night on the stage... even Andrew was up there playing.
Sunday we drove all day again. It is weird that my baby sister is married. But I am SO happy for her and Drew. They are so cute together and I love them both.


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