Friday, July 25, 2008

Nice & Cool

It has been so hot lately. We live in a basement which is a lot cooler then the rest of the house but it has gotten pretty hot and if anyone knows me-- i get really uncomfortable when I'm hot. I get clammy and blotchy skin... So we went to Costco and bought an air conditioner that goes in your window... Well it wasn't that easy.. our TV is right in front of our window and we just rearranged our room and there really isn't another way to arrange it so we went to work on another project- we built a stand for the AC machine to sit on so it would not be blocked by our TV. It wasn't too hard to build.. Thank goodness my husband is creative. It feel so good on our house now-- i love it.


Anonymous said...

That has to be nice. Our AC unfortunately runs all day because of the heat. Even though the AC is running, the temperature goes up in the duplex. :( It sucks! You go to bed fine and wake up dehydrated. I hate it!!!

Norris Fam said...

We love those too, we have THREE of them at our house! We went one summer without them and then we got smart!

KayLynn said...

Thank heavens for AC!!! I don't know how half the world would be inhabitable with out them, the half that isn't mostly underground. :0) I would prefer 60 degrees and blankets than 85 and sweat.

Sheena said...

YAY for AC!!! We just got ANOTHER one because our stupid cooler STILL isn't working. It's nice in here now, though the owner of the apartment is a bit tiffed that we did it. :) We are evil little turds, and I love it.