Fathers day is a hard day for me. Every year I think it will get better and it is always sad. For those who do not know already, my dad drowned up at Deer Creek Reservoir when I was in High School. I spent a good time of the day thinking about my dad and what I would be like or where I would be if he was still here. I miss him a lot.
He was a great dad and I will always love him and appreciate what he did for me and what he taught me and the fun we had while he was here.

I am very grateful for my father in law. Especially for raising such a wonderful son. I look up to Brett's dad and love him very much. He is a great man.
And also for my mom's husband Jerry. He works really hard to support her and the kids and he has been good for my mom.
On Saturday, our adoption papers came in the mail. We have set up August 6
th as our day to go to our first meeting and meet with our social worker. That gives us time to get our recommendation letters together and get the loads of paperwork filled out. So yesterday was special to Brett as well. We hope that by next year he will be a daddy. The waiting list is anywhere from 6 months up to 2 years, though there is never a certainty with this process. We wanted a family early in our marriage and have been trying for a little over 2 years with what the doctors call "unexplained infertility", but we know that we have been blessed to get to spend this time together as a couple, to do things that we wouldn't otherwise been able to do, and to get to the point where we feel we will be financially ready when a baby does get placed with us.

Mandi, Brett's sister had her 2
nd baby today. its our very first nephew on the Smith side. They named him Cameron Michael. Brett and I went to the hospital after work to see him. He is so little. He was born around 7:30 this morning. He weighed 6 lbs 2

oz & 20 inches.
He is grandma and grandpa Smith's 5
th grand baby-- and all born with in 2 & 1/2 years of each other.
I'm lucky to have such cute nieces and nephews..

they are a great blessing.
I hope all the fathers and future fathers had a great fathers day and know how much they are