Thursday, June 5, 2008


Carrie and Kaylynn both did a post about their addictions.... So I thought I would share some of mine.

Addiction #1: Spending time with Brett. I cant get enough of that guy! He is my best friend in the world and the one person who can always make my day better. We have so much fun together-- basically just acting like little kids! Laughter is a huge part of us. (especially since I'm so crazy!)

Addiction #2: TV. I am such a TV junkie... I have several favorite programs that I watch on a regular basis... Lost, So you think you can dance, Top Chef, The bachelor to name only a few. Its a good thing that Brett works late half the nights so I can watch the programs he doesn't care for.

Addiction #3: Vacations. Every time we go on a vacation, we will have only been home for a week before I am ready for another one.. There is just not enough time to go everywhere I want to go.
But, we do plan at least one big vacation a year-- This year its California this month and hopefully another cruise in December. I love doing and seeing things I have never before. And road trips with Brett are so much fun!!

Addiction #4: Babies/kids. The only exposure I have is with my nieces and nephews. I love them all so much!! My Brother has 3 kids and they are a great age to play with. I don't see them as often as I see my nieces on Brett's side. I used to be a preschool teacher for little handicapped children and it my favorite job I have ever had. I just enjoy being around kids. I think I would rather be in the play room with all the kids then sitting and chatting with all the adults.

Addiction#5: Animals! The zoo is one of my very favorite places on earth!! We have already been once this year. I love the penguins the most. they are so cute! Ask anyone and I am an animal lover-- we have our dog Mimi, and then we have a rabbit named Rusty, and a 40 gallon fish tank that has 8 fish in it. I love my pets.

Addiction#6: Blogging! I love to write in my personal blog. It is like a journal to me. This blog is for our fun family stuff... and it has given me new excitement about blogs!! Plus I love to read my friends blogs and family's blogs to keep up with whats going on and get ideas from blogger way more experienced and creative than me!

Addiction#7: Hint of lime.The one food addiction I will put on here is Hint of Lime Tostitos-- They are my favorite snack food. And really addicting.


KayLynn said...

Those are great addictions. You are far more well rounded than I am! Those hint of lime chips are good. Your vacations sound like so much fun. Where would you take your cruise to?

Sheena said...

I found ya! Cute blog by the way...

Jocelyn said...

I am so into Top Chef too! it's amazing what people can come up with! and you're right those chips are delicious. I might have to steal your post idea! so great!